You will need to critically analyse1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. the current situation, develop1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. and justify1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. a range of logical solutions and recommend1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. a strategy to address the priority issue you have determined that HealthCo is facing.
Use1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. management theory, approaches, concepts and/or models to support1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. your analysis and expected outcomes.Case studies: Analyse the task
The first step of any assignment should be to become familiar with the assignment instructions. This will help you to know exactly what is required by the task and help you to focus your energy on the right tasks. The following example explains how to analyse a task in order to address the assignment requirements.
Case study assessment task
Assignment instructions
The HealthCo Board has asked you to write a report recommending what management approaches it should adopt in order to meet the challenges that the company currently faces.
You will need to critically analyse the current situation, develop and justify a range of logical solutions and recommend a strategy to address the priority issue you have determined that HealthCo is facing.
Use management theory, approaches, concepts and/or models to support your analysis and expected outcomes.
The report will be 1500 words.
Breaking down assignment instructions
All assignment instructions contain instruction words. These are words that tell us what we need to do and how we should do it. One way we can find these words is to search for the verbs in the instructions. Let’s look at the same instructions, this time with the instruction words highlighted.
Assignment instructions
Screen reader users, this text uses visual highlights to indicate different features of the text. Each highlight is explained for your convenience.
The HealthCo Board has asked you to write1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. a report recommending1Screen reader users, this is a instruction word. what management approaches it should adopt in order to meet the challenges that the company currently faces.
Creating a checklist
Next, you can use the highlighted words to create a checklist of items that need to be included in your assignment. When you do this, try to use as few words as possible so that it will be easy to read later.
This list can be used as you write to remind you what needs to be included, and also when you have finished writing your draft to make sure we haven’t missed any of the requirements.
Here's an example of a checklist:
Checklist for my report:
- Recommend management approaches to meet challenges
- Critically analyse the current situation
- Develop solutions
- Justify solutions
- Recommend a strategy to address the issue
- Use management theory to support:
- The analysis
- The expected outcomes