Have you ever read something without really absorbing it? Do you feel like you spend too much time reading the wrong texts? On this page, we will learn about active reading- a reading technique designed to help you get more out of your reading experience. Getting started with active reading...
Now that you’ve done some reading, it’s time to think about how you will organise this information so that you can use it to remember important points and concepts and so that it can be easily accessed should you need it in the future. When you read and take notes,...
Reading academic articles can be tricky and time consuming. However, there are some strategies that can help you find the information you need efficiently. First, let’s learn about the different sections of articles, before seeing how we can apply active reading to the process. Academic article sections Here are some...
Throughout your time at university, you will be required to read and engage with many articles, books and other information sources. On this page, you will find tips to help you manage your reading load by reading both efficiently and effectively. Reading efficiently: surveying, skimming and scanning Students can be...