James saw a classified advertisement1Screen reader users, this is Invitation to treat. in a magazine offering to sell Kate’s piano for $4,000. James wrote to Kate stating that he would "take the instrument at your price.2Screen reader users, this is Offer. On 1st May, Kate wrote to James stating that she now wanted $5,0003Screen reader users, this is Counter offer. and would keep her offer open for a week.4Screen reader users, this is Consideration. James received the letter on 4th May and wrote back to Kate stating he agreed to pay the $5,000 "at your convenience".5Screen reader users, this is Revocation of offer.The letter unfortunately didn't arrive until 11th May.6Screen reader users, this is Postal acceptance rule. The next day (5th May) Kate had lunch with her sister Julie. They discussed the piano and agreed that Julie could have the piano for $3,5007Screen reader users, this is Domestic/family arrangement and Breach of contract. if she minded Kate’s children on Saturday nights.8Screen reader users, this is Vagueness of terms.
Contract law
Answering any contract law case question requires you to do the following: identify and discuss legal issues, apply the law to the facts, and cite relevant cases.
Reading the question
When reading any legal case problem, ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the general issue here?
- What are the particular legal issues?
- How do these issues relate to the facts of the problem?
- What case law is relevant to the facts presented?
Read the following case scenario and try to answer the questions above.
James saw a classified advertisement in a magazine offering to sell Kate's piano for $4,000.
James wrote to Kate stating that he would 'take the instrument at your price'.
On 1st May, Kate wrote to James stating that she now wanted 5,000 and would keep her offer open for a week. James received the letter on 4th May and wrote back to Kate stating he agreed to pay the 5,000 'at your convenience'. The letter unfortunately didn't arrive until 11th May. The next day (5th May), Kate had lunch with her sister Julie. They discussed the piano and agreed that Julie could have the piano for $3,500 if she minded Kate's children on Saturday nights. On 6th May, the piano was delivered to Julie's house.
Analysing the question
When analysing any legal question you are required to:
- identify the legal issues – general and particular
- apply the facts to the law
- cite relevant cases to support your answer.
The importance of analysing the general legal issue(s) is to determine what type of law(s) is/are applicable, e.g. contract, negligence, corporation etc. Once the general area has been determined, the particular legal issues relating to that area can be analysed.
Screen reader users, this text uses visual highlights to indicate different elements of the scenario. Each highlight is explained for your convenience.
Here is a model answer for this activity.
Look at how the legal issues (blue text) are woven into the facts (yellow text) of the case with the case citations (red text).
Screen reader users, this text uses visual highlights to indicate the legal issues, the facts and the case citations. Each highlight is explained for your convenience.
Case citations
To answer any legal question, you must apply the facts to the law and back up your arguments through citing relevant legal cases.