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Integrating ideas with reporting words

Whether you are paraphrasing or quoting, integrating the ideas of others with your own argument is an important part of clear, cohesive communication. It’s easy to become repetitive, using ‘this author states’ and ‘that author states’ over and over. Keep reading to learn about how to use a variety of reporting verbs in your writing.

Reporting words

Reporting words are verbs that help us describe an author’s position on a topic. The reporting word you choose can help your audience understand the viewpoint of the original author, or it might express your own opinion about that author’s work. There are many of these reporting words in English, and they have different meanings. Some are more forceful, while others express a more modest position on a topic.


"Author (2023) questions the idea that income from Australian mining exports will likely increase in the next two years."

"Author (2023) dismisses the idea that income from Australian mining exports will likely increase in the next two years."

In the first example, the word 'questions' shows the audience that Author (2023) doesn’t necessarily believe mining export income will increase. In contrast, the use of the word 'dismisses' in the second example shows a much stronger position. Here, Author is no longer just questioning the idea, but has completely rejected it.

Choosing the right reporting word is tricky. Words have small differences in meaning, as well as in the positive, negative, or neutral feelings connected to them, also known as connotation. A dictionary can help you understand if you’ve chosen the right reporting word for the idea you want to express.

Words Example
Suggest (that) Patel et al. (2020) suggest that incorporating multicultural education improves student engagement.
Argue (that) Zhang et al. (2021) argue that culturally responsive teaching methods enhance student learning outcomes.
Contend Ahmed (2022) contends that educators need to adapt their teaching strategies to meet the diverse needs of students.
Outline González (2019) outlines the benefits of integrating cultural competence in teacher training programs.
Focus on Kim and Singh (2023) focus on the impact of cultural diversity on collaborative learning in classrooms.
Define Cohen (2020) defines culturally responsive pedagogy as an approach that acknowledges and incorporates students' cultural backgrounds into teaching.
Conclude Kang and Santos (2021) conclude that culturally inclusive curricula lead to higher student satisfaction and achievement.
State Hackman and Yamamoto (2024) state that cultural awareness in education is crucial for creating an inclusive learning environment.
Maintain (that) Müller (2020) maintains that culturally relevant teaching practices are essential for fostering student engagement.
Found (that) Ivanov (2023) found that students in culturally diverse classrooms perform better academically when their cultural identities are respected.
Promote Rossi and Dubois (2022) promote the use of multicultural literature to enhance students' understanding of different cultures.
Establish Nikolic (1990, cited in Mwangi, 2020) established that "students who feel their cultural identity is acknowledged are more likely to participate actively in class" (p. 2).
Assert (that) Marino (2021) asserts that setting culturally relevant academic goals can significantly boost student motivation.
Show Various studies show that cultural competence in educators leads to better student-teacher relationships (Ng et al., 2023).
Claim (that) Peralta and Oldham (2024) claim that culturally enriched educational programs result in higher levels of student motivation.
Report Papadopoulos and Graham (2022) report that culturally inclusive teaching methods have a positive impact on student learning outcomes.
Mention Bakker (2023) mentions that traditional educational models often fail to address the needs of culturally diverse students.
Address Yamamoto (2021) addresses the importance of integrating cultural elements into the curriculum to enhance student engagement and learning.

Please note: The examples on this page use the APA 7th Edition referencing style. Check your course handbook or speak to your instructor about the referencing style required in your area of study.

Visit reporting verbs for more information.